Late to the Punch - Drawing over 3d model

Drawing the bag over an object in perspective helped. I could spend more time animating instead of figuring out the perspective on my own. This will probably be one of the easier shots out of the short since the focus is only on the bag, but it was fun nonetheless. I was able to learn some things that made it an easier process like only moving the links and solely animating them spinning around the bag instead of redrawing the entire thing, and making drawings last longer since the bag doesn’t need to have a drawing for every frame instead it’s animating on 4s because it isn’t the primary focus of the short.

I look forward to playing around with animating in 4s, 2s, or even 1s as I continue to learn through animating this short, along with learning a style of drawing that is more animator-friendly.


late to the punch - 3D Modeling for the gym